Love Final Fantasy VII? If you’re a gamer of a certain age
then of course you do. You probably want to see it remade as well right? Well
it’d be nice, but it wouldn’t be FFVII if it was.
Would seeing it with flashy HD graphics actually make the
same impact as it did all those years ago when Cloud stepped off the train and
blew up the reactor with a foul mouthed dude called Barrett? Probably not. If
it was released like that today, it would just be an antique with some
admittedly really nice graphics.
Besides, can anybody remember when a remake of anything was
actually better than the original? Something that stood on its own merit,
bringing new ideas and a competent reimagining in its own right. Something that
made you look at the original in a new way and made you appreciate it slightly
more for what it was, when what the original did was so far ahead of its time
that it warranted a fresh attempt with technology that could keep up. How about if we narrow that down to just games? Sure, it might run in
1080p and have smoother textures, but was the game actually better than the original? I can think
of one. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, and that was mainly down to the huge
step up in power between the PS1 and the Gamecube. Okay, the step between a PS1
and a PS3 is as wide as the English channel, but Final Fantasy doesn’t need
first person aiming and lip syncing to make it any better.
Take a look at today’s remakes. Is Shadow of the Colossus HD
actually any better than the PS2 version? No, but it looks how your rose tinted
spectacles make you remember it. How about the impact it made? Again, back when
it was released, Colossus made a huge splash. It didn’t sell well, and shame on
you if you didn’t buy it first time round, but the sense of scale and
desolation of it just blew people away at the time. Fast forward to today, and
nobody really bats an eyelid at any of that. It’s been seen before. The same
goes for most remakes of last gen games. A lick of HD paint doesn’t cover up
the fact that they are effectively still exactly the same game as what they
were when they were first released.
Final Fantasy VII is its own thing. Everything about it adds
up to something greater than the sum of its parts. Change any part and it
wouldn’t be FFVII anymore. Could you imagine what would happen if Square tried
bringing it up to date? Would you like to see the battle system changed? What
about the overall look? What if they decided certain parts of the game didn’t
need to be there and cut them? What if hardware limitations meant that they had
to run it through an FFXIII style tunnel? Worse still, what if they replaced
FFVII Cloud, who may not have been the perkiest of guys but was at least
relatable, with the silent, sullen non character he became in Advent Children
and Kingdom Hearts?
The final nail in the coffin would be voice acting. Square
voice acting ranges from mostly excellent (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X) to
godawful (Vanille and Hope in Final Fantasy XIII). I have a genuine fear that
any voices added to FFVII would degenerate into the anime clichés that plagued
the voice work of FFXIII. Yuffie would clearly be voiced in the same terribly
annoying style of FFXIII’s Vanille. This logic states that as the sorta-kinda comic
relief, Barret, like FFXIII’s Sazh will inadvertently receive an amazing actor
and become the one redeeming feature of the whole sorry affair. FFVII is
gaming’s Metropolis. It’s silent and the silence is integral to the experience.
You read the script and this wonderful thing known as imagination lets you hear
the characters, despite the lack of voice. Nobody would dare desecrate a work
like Metropolis, why do the same to Final Fantasy VII?
These things happen when something is remade and the people
making it decide to bring it into line with what they think modern audiences
expect. We only have to look at the movie world to see this. Whilst there are
undoubtedly some good movie remakes out there, there is a whole litany of poor ones. From
pointless exercises like the Italian Job, Get Carter, Poseidon, and any
American version of a J-horror flick to just plain bad ones like The Pink
Panther, and Clash of the Titans. And Hollywood just keeps going with them.
Look at the forthcoming remakes of Robocop and Starship Troopers. Remakes show
laziness and a dearth of creative imagination at the studio that is making
them. Two accusations I’d rather not see levelled at Square-Enix, one of my
favourite developers.
Besides, modern audiences are the people who buy the yearly
Call of Battlefield and hurl abuse at each other over multiplayer through teh
interwebz. Do you really want FFVII to be remade to satisfy the tastes of that
lot? I didn’t think you would. Luckily it was recently documented by IGN that
Square CEO Yoichi Wada has said that there won’t be a remake until they make a game that “exceeds the quality” of FFVII.
Good luck there guys.
Final Fantasy is Oldskool. It should remain that way. And if
someone who comes to it today can’t appreciate the merits of it just because
it’s old, well screw them. It’s their loss. One day, they’ll see the light.
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