
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Five for a Fiver (or perhaps less)

I'm playing an awful lot of Bioshock Infinite at the moment, and I'm marvelling at how I'm able to give new significance to the early events of the game, now that I know what's going on. I highly recommend playing it a second time. In the first playthrough, you're told the story, in the second you understand it.

Anyway, I've been a bit isolated from the wider gaming world recently, but happily, just as I was looking for something to talk about, my Bethesda loving friend stepped into the fold with an idea.

Five for under a fiver!

So I'm handing the floor to him.

As a little side project we decided a fun thing to add to the blog would be a countdown of five great games that we've handpicked each month that you can pick up and play for under a fiver. Most of these games won’t be life changing (Final Fantasy VII anyone?) since these archetypal 'amazing' games usually come with an 'amazing' price tag. You may not agree with our choices but, well, tough! Joking aside, we really hope you like this list and take a chance with some of these titles! The list will change each month with different games you should play for the price of a Big Mac…

Here’s this month’s rundown

Mission Impossible: Operation Surma (Multi Format)

Ok, so how many of you read Mission… and turned off thinking it was the awful N64/PS1 game based on the Tom Cruise movie? Well actually I loved that game, for all its flaws (Grownup Gamer says, "So did I!"). But anyway Operation: Surma is thankfully far superior. Mostly. You play as Ethan Hunt, and what starts as a simple tag 'n' grab mission evolves into a story that quite rightly should have been its own film. The added stealth tactics are a welcome addition to its predecessor, as are the clever uses of gadgets and silent takedowns instead of headshots to outwit the enemy. These additions help take this Mission Impossible game back to its espionage roots. While clunky at times, the game overall is superb. If you buy it and think what I've just said was a bunch of crap, then I urge you to take it past the first level and reconsider. I happen to think the skydive sequence towards the end is amazing. This game was one of the first I bought for my PS2 10/12 years ago, and is still on my shelf. 
rearms and

Where to buy it: Amazon
Prices: £1.99 INC postage (PS2) £1.49 INC postage (Xbox) PREOWNED (Available sealed on Xbox currently for £4.89 INC postage)

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 (Multi Format)

Arguably the best Pro Skater of them all. I remember this being the first Pro Skater I played, having played it to death on my PS1. The soundtrack is awesome, I still skate around The Foundry with 96 Quite Bitter Beings by CKY or Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones pumped at full volume feeling like a skating god. Graphically the PS1 version of game is quite sketchy, but the PS2 and  GameCube versions hold up pretty well. The game, in any of it's guises remains a gem. Also, if you need just one reason to play this game. Darth. Maul. As a skater. Complete with Lightsaber. ‘Nuff said. If you need another? Wolverine… 

Where to buy it: Amazon
Prices: £2.04 INC postage (PS2) £5.51 INC postage (Xbox) (I know… technically over a fiver… but £2.03 of that IS postage so TECHNICALLY it’s only £3.48…) £4.02 INC postage (For an acceptable copy on PS1 – Although this blogger has found numerous copies of this game lurking in Cash Generator for a measly 99p) £3.49 INC postage (Gamecube) 

Tomb Raider 3 (PS1/PC)

Ahh, Tomb Raider 3. The pinnacle of the great gaming lady's original incarnation. Great though her previous and following two encounters were, Tomb Raider 3 just stands head and shoulders above the rest. It's also, to my eternal shame, the only PS1 Tomb Raider game I’ve ever completed! What isn’t there about this game to love? Well for starters, it contains my favourite of all the Tomb Raider weapons, the Desert Eagle. Then there are locations, from the freezing tundra of Antarctica to the dizzying heights of London (and the lows of Aldwych Tube Station) to the mysterious and supposedly hidden(?) Area 51 in Nevada. The story and characters are great, even the Butler, who is cleverly covered in targets as you wreak havoc in Croft manor, because Eidos just KNEW we’d shoot him. Genius. The fact that you could play the story sort of in any order you like is a nice feature, whilst India has to be first location and Antarctica has to the be last, you can pick and choose the sequence in which you visit the other three. The classic Lara death scenes were back, my personal favourite? Piranhas. This game is one of the best Tomb Raider games of all time in my humble opinion. And I’ve played them all, even the one that must not be named. Yes Angel of Darkness, I’m looking at you! 

Where to buy it: Amazon
Prices: £3.27 INC postage (PS1 – Platinum, Black Disc will set you back £5.30 INC postage) £2.04 INC postage (PC) – But this blogger recommends PS1!

Drawing close to the end… With the #2 spot going to…!

FFVII - Dirge of Cerberus (PS2) 

Lordy! As a lover of Final Fantasy, especially Final Fantasy VII, and especially Vincent Valentine, how could this game not appeal? It oozes sexiness from the bleak Midgar backdrop and the lovingly crafted steampunky locations to the platform/hack and slash gameplay. Beautiful. As a massive fan of the Devil May Cry games, for me, this was Devil May Cry set in the world of FFVII,  playing as the *other* character dressed with a pronounced love of guns. Its fast paced, frenetic and provides a lot of back story to the FFVII universe, including some fresh insight into Vincent’s story. It introduces some new characters and allies to aid him during his journey, and you can use his iconic Limit Breaks from FFVII to help you in battle. As a happy bonus for us, Square Enix revamped the game for the Western Market, as it fell short in Japan. More combos, slicker, quicker. I'm glad they did. I remember the first time I played this. I did not stop until I had finished It. I was about seventeen I think, and remember staying up all night to finish it. I remember the last level provided a perfect ending to the game. Coupled with the Death Penalty, Vincent rampaged through the skies. If you are in any way interested in finding out how Vincent became, well, Vincent, then this game is a must play. In fact, any self-proclaimed Final Fantasy fan should own and play this game. One of, if not the best spin offs from a Final Fantasy title ever. 

Where to buy it: Amazon
Prices: £3.66 (PS2) – Best. Buy. Ever. 

This month’s #1 spot goes to:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive)

How could this post be complete without the addition of our favourite blue hedgehog’s arguably best adventure on the Mega Drive. The levels were amazing, the game seemed faster and Tails made his first appearance. It was quite fresh to play as Tails, despite how awful he is as a character, but I remember playing as him instead of Sonic and was like, "Whoa! Whole new Game!" Sonic 2 contains one of my all time favourite Sonic levels, Chemical Plant Zone. The soundtrack to that level was amazing and every time I think of Sonic 2, it's Chemical Plant that I think of. Another feature I liked about Sonic 2 was the spin dash. No more awkward backtracking and building up speed to get round the loop de loop like in Sonic the Hedgehog! Great addition. Weirdly, I love the change in design of the Shield powerup too. In Sonic 1 it was just a boring 'bubble' but in Sonic 2 it was this vibrant pulsating swirly blue thing. Incredible. I recently downloaded this on XBLA and played through for about half an hour and reached the Mystic Caves. Sadly this was very late at night and I eventually had to retire, but was one of the best half hours of my life. I have so much love for this Sonic game, especially the special stages. They're equally as frustrating as those windy mazes and GOAL! bars in Sonic 1, these special stages required a certain amount of rings or you fail at each checkpoint. I still to this day have NEVER managed to fully circle over the halfpipe and catch all the rings in the air. How you are meant to do that still baffles me, almost 15 years after first playing it. If you haven’t played this then do. If you are a fan of Sonic then play this game. This game actually was one of those life changing games. It renewed my love for Sonic and ensured I bought the sequels too.

Where to buy it: Amazon
Prices: Mega Drive games rarely come in the box or with instructions (not sure why!) but as a cartridge only you are looking at £4.15 INC postage. A boxed with instructions copy will cost you between £5 and £10 depending on where you go usually. (I actually managed to score a copy at a local car boot fair, for an award winning 50p). 

We hope you enjoyed this post and please keep reading and sharing! We'll be sure to let you know about the next Five for a Fiver feature

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